50 STATES & CAPITALS Research Writing Project & Graphic Organizers GOOGLE SLIDES
50 STATES & CAPITALS Research Writing Project & Graphic Organizers GOOGLE SLIDES
Keep students engaged while researching details about the 50 States! Google Slides graphic organizers are used to complete research questions, making this writing project organized & easily differentiated to multiple student learning levels. Information reported: year it became a state, capital, bird, flower, tree, animal, flag, state motto & nickname, region & bordering states.
(156 Google Slides)
♥ To assign specific slides, right click and make a copy of the file in your drive and rename the assignment. Open it and delete the pages you don't want to assign.
The Google Slide Access link contains:
- 1 K-W-L Graphic Organizer Template
- 5 Writing Paper styles (match each individual state report)
- 3 pg. Research Template for each of the states
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